Capture and Print: This add on lets you capture a webpage area and print immediately. This saves you time when needing to print certain areas of a webpage.
Auto-Sort Bookmarks: makes it easier to find your bookmarks by alphabetizing them.
Personas: add-on to allow personalization to your toolbar.
Print Edit: lets you too edit your paper while it is in preview mode.
Print/Print Preview: allows editing to happen to your ape
Print/Print Preview: replaces the default print button, with a print preview button.
ScrapBook: saves your webpages in an organized collection.
Secure Login: Helps to make sure your password is secure.
Snap Links plus: opens multiple links in one selected area in new tabs.
Super Start: shows bookmarks on your homepage, along with a too do list.
WOT: Allows to see safe webpages, for safe web surfing.